3 Things to Remember When Accepting Guest Blog Posts

Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Marketing
From http://www.nickstamoulis.com 4644 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on November 9, 2011 5:45 pm
Hopefully, as part of your content marketing strategy, you’ve been looking for opportunities to write a guest blog post on industry blogs. As the author, guest blog posts help from a link building perspective, the help build your online presence and awareness, grow your brand and more. But have you ever thought about turning the tables and accepting guest blog posts on your blog? Some of the benefits of accepting guest blog posts include: new opinions and perspectives for your readers, the authors will promote their posts which means more links for your blog, guest authors drive their readers to your blog and so forth.


Written by ivanwalsh
4643 days ago

One suggestion for guest posters is to encourage them to reply to the comments others leave. There's few things worse than seeing a guest post abandoned with no one replying to the comments.

Written by Ileane
4642 days ago

Ivan, that's so true. When that does happen it's best to step in and fill the void. :)

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