34 Top SMS Marketing Statistics (Industry Data + Trends)

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From https://adamconnell.me 263 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on November 14, 2023 10:39 am
Curious about the latest SMS marketing statistics? I’ve got you covered.

In this post, we’ll be looking at some eye-opening data pulled from the latest studies, surveys, and reports on SMS marketing.

These stats will shed light on the current state of SMS marketing, highlight how consumers feel about marketing text messages, and reveal useful benchmarks you can use to measure your own performance.

Plus, they’ll also highlight the trends shaping the SMS marketing industry, as well as the challenges and hurdles that marketers still have to overcome.

Ready? Let’s jump into it.


Written by lyceum
253 days ago

Adam: Thanks for your input! :)

Written by lyceum
255 days ago

I get some calls everyday, but I have not set my iPhone so it will be turned into a silent mode for unknown numbers and they go directly to the answering message, so they could leave a message, if they dare! ;)

Written by adamjayc
255 days ago

Cool way of handling those calls!

Written by lyceum
255 days ago

Good to hear! Same here. How many cold calls do you get per day?

Written by adamjayc
255 days ago

Usually none most days fortunately. My phone is on silent most of the time though so even if I do get one, I likely won't answer. Whenever I get a missed call, I search the number online and immediately block numbers with negative reports. What about you?

Written by lyceum
255 days ago

Adam: Do you get SMS spam?

Written by adamjayc
255 days ago

Rarely. I get about 1000x more email spam compared to SMS.

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