5 Ways Social Media Can Kill Customer Loyalty

5 Ways Social Media Can Kill Customer Loyalty  - http://blog.fusionalliance.com Avatar Posted by BLASTanna under Marketing
From http://blog.fusionalliance.com 4445 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business News on April 25, 2012 3:10 am
Social media is a great tool to build customer loyalty when done right. Learn 5 ways to make sure your social media practices don't kill your customer loyalty.


Written by nialldevitt
4442 days ago

I've also seen similar situations like your Moosejaw example and it's pretty annoying to be ignored, especially when you're a customer or potential customer. Great info & thanks for sharing here on Bizsugar.

Written by Sian Phillips
4444 days ago

Great post and so true. I also sometimes see updates that can be condescending or a bit rude about customers or clients - a huge no no in my opinion. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.com

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