50 Inbound Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Marketing
From http://entreb.com 3841 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 25, 2014 10:31 am
If you want to make your business a magnet to customers so that you won’t be disrupting them but rather they would naturally come to your business, you have to employ inbound marketing. Inbound marketing can be the most effective marketing strategy for small business owners. It’s fun, creative, and have long-lasting effects to your business.


Written by lyceum
3838 days ago

Viclogic: You are welcome! I look forward to read your next piece on inbound marketing!

Written by lyceum
3839 days ago

Viclogic: You still have time. March 19 is the deadline. Have you studied Infusionsoft's work on inbound marketing?

Written by viclogic
3839 days ago

I'm now scanning all the submissions. :) I haven't yet checked Infusionsoft's work, but I'll consider checking it. Thanks for all the reminders.

Written by lyceum
3839 days ago

Viclogic: Same! What is your favorite area with marketing? By the way: Have you heard about the #BrotherBackToBiz contest, there you could show off you marketing material, e.g., business cards, flyers, brochures, etc., and have the chance to win great prices from Brother Office?

Written by viclogic
3839 days ago

I love inbound marketing because it's hard yet challenging, fund and exciting. :) Yes, I'm aware of the contest, but it was already too late to do all the brainstorming and preparation. I hope I can join for the next, especially if it's a writing contest.

Written by lyceum
3840 days ago

Viclogic: You have a bunch of experience. I have been blogging since 2002 and in the past I have been working with purchasing, supply chain management and cost analysis for 10 years.

Written by viclogic
3840 days ago

That's impressive. I'm glad to meet you here. :)

Written by lyceum
3840 days ago

Viclogic: How long have you been in business?

Written by viclogic
3840 days ago

I've been doing online marketing and blogging for almost 7 years. Prior to that, I worked as an external auditor in an auditing firm in our country (Philippines), examining various business industries.

Written by johnwho
3840 days ago

Thanks for the comprehensive post!

Written by viclogic
3840 days ago

Thanks John.

Written by Signazon
3840 days ago

What a comprehensive list of marketing tips. Thanks for putting it together. I particularly liked number 46.

Written by viclogic
3840 days ago

Thanks. I also love 46. Networking and collaborating with fellow entrepreneurs will let us also learn new many things.

Written by SeanGallahar
3840 days ago

This is a very extensive list. Great work.

Written by viclogic
3840 days ago

Thanks Sean. I appreciate the comment.

Written by lyceum
3840 days ago

This is an extensive check list with marketing tips! It must have taken some time to compile it, right? ;)

Written by viclogic
3840 days ago

Thank Lyceum. Yes, not only time to compile, but also years of experience. :)

Written by viclogic
3840 days ago

Thank you BizRock. Tips are just tips, so we still need to do our own research to make them more applicable to our case.

Written by BizRock
3841 days ago

These amazing tips are so simple to understand,thank you.

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