6 Marketing Myths You Should Ignore

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5076 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on September 5, 2010 2:28 pm
Like all areas of business and life there are loads of myths around that can lead you into places you do not want to be. Marketing, especially today seems to have its share of what you should do in order to be successful and unfortunately many are just myths. Here are 6 that I think you should ignore:


Written by ajayjoya
5076 days ago

Hi Susan, I read all the myths in article and found the third one more interesting. that following 8 marketing tactics will succeed your business.

Written by m4bmarketing
5076 days ago

Hi Ajay,

It is only in the last few years I have been seeing this and I think one reason is that because many tactics are free and low cost some say do a lot which of course is wrong.


Written by ShawnHessinger
5077 days ago

Hi Susan,

Consider them forgotten. :) Actually, it's funny but with the first one I find the key is to have realistic sales objectives. I think there are too many people who, as Guy Kawasaki would say, forecast from the top (we should easily be able to sell 500 units by next Thursday) with completely unrealistic sales goals. And this may be where the advice to disregard them completely originated.

Written by m4bmarketing
5077 days ago

Hi Shawn,

That was easy. Guy is right and if the sales objectives are unrealistic then everything falls down.

I am not sure but I have met so many people over the years who do not consider the 2 are related.


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