6 Ways of Earning Trust in Your Landing Page

Avatar Posted by lyekh under Marketing
From http://findmyblogway.com 4625 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on January 3, 2012 6:02 pm
Your landing page is the front door of your store; the main thing that customers will use to decide whether or not to continue and buy something or whether they will head off to another site. Landing pages run a fine line between enticing people and giving enough information to be trustworthy.


Written by nialldevitt
4623 days ago

Thanks for these great suggestions, I agree with them all particularly showing off your security and customer reviews if you are an e-commerce site. Thanks for sharing on BizSugar and Happy New Year, Niall

Written by SEORabbit
4625 days ago

A lot of bloggers and small business websites have issues when it comes to earning trust on their sites. Following a few basic basic rules (like the one posted in the article) can make a huge difference to your visitors.

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