7 Easy Ways to Get More Traffic from Twitter

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 3990 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on September 30, 2013 7:36 am
Twitter is an incredible social network with 200 million monthly active members (according to Expanded Ramblings).

Whatever your business does, or whatever your blog is about there is a huge number of people ready and waiting to learn more about what you do but the problem is reaching them.

The truth is that you can reach them; it’s easier than you may think and today I will show you how.


Written by lyceum
3983 days ago

Adam: Thanks the link! I will follow you. I wonder if RebelMouse will add a search future? I see this aggregator site as my lifestream in one place.

Written by lyceum
3983 days ago

Adam: Please check out my personal domain, Martin.Lindeskog.name, powered by RebelMouse. It has got a pretty good PageRank (3) and Alexa ranking (#484,262) in a short time.

Written by adamjayc
3983 days ago

Very nice indeed! Already got my page setup - rebelmouse.com/adamjayc but will look into using custom domains.

Written by lyceum
3985 days ago

Adam: I like Paper.li and have had pretty good success with it. Another interesting visual aggregator is RebelMouse.

Written by adamjayc
3983 days ago

Great to here Martin, good call on RebelMouse, that's one I've been meaning to try for a while. Need to set some time aside for these soon. Thanks.

Written by lyceum
3989 days ago

Adam: Thanks for the links! I appreciate it very much. Have you tested the aggregator service called Paper.li for your Twitter acccount?

Written by adamjayc
3985 days ago

No problem at all, Martin. I dabbled with Paper.li a while back but haven't put too much time into it. Have you had much success with it?

Written by lyceum
3989 days ago

Adam: I haven't tested Triberr yet. Could you direct me to a primer on this tool?

Written by adamjayc
3989 days ago

Hi Martin, there was a post I wrote a while back that goes into a bit more detail: http://bloggingwizard.com/automatic-tribes-triberr/.

Ileane Smith also wrote a great post that covers more of the basics: http://basicblogtips.com/changed-my-mind-about-triberr.html

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