7 Killer Tools to Boost Local Business Sales in 2012

Avatar Posted by ShopTalk under Marketing
From http://marketingmatters.dexone.com 4617 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on December 6, 2011 6:01 pm
We’re always searching for new and interesting tools to save money, boost sales and streamline marketing operations for local businesses. Here are seven killer picks for 2012:


Written by BizBest
4615 days ago

Thanks; glad you enjoyed. We're constantly gathering more, so check in at Marketing Matters (www.dexbusiness.com) from time to time for others. - DK

Written by BizRock
4615 days ago

Very nice bunch of tools for boosting sale in 2012. I like this one: '' MyCyberTwin ''.

Thank you for sharing this tools! ;)

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