7 Tips to Help You Write Conversationally

Avatar Posted by copyjuice under Marketing
From http://copyjuice.com 4230 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on December 31, 2012 12:22 am
Discover easy-to-understand methods and suggestions to make you a better conversational writer so you can communicate effectively.


Written by tiroberts
4222 days ago

Absolutely! It does feel like someone's looking over your shoulder, lol. I've finished off my post last night and I'm pretty satisfied with it. I'll be sending it over for the blogger to review in a few. I went ahead and wrote it in my own style. However, I did tone it down a little but not to the point where it would be boring for their audience to read. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions!


Written by tiroberts
4225 days ago

Great post, Kasey. You made some valid points here. I especially loved what you said about just writing and not censoring yourself in your first draft. I'm just getting into the groove of guest posting (one of my new strategies for 2013) and I've found myself having a terrible time with this. Just this morning I was working on a guest post and as I sat down to write, I found myself questioning the way I was writing.

When I'm writing for my own blog, I can just flow with no problem. I love my writing style but I feel like it may be a bit much for guest posting. I'm attempting to tailor my tone a bit (not too much) when I guest post and I working on how to do that without completely stripping the personality from my content. I ended up completing my first draft because I just forced myself to just push through and write. I'll be going back later today to edit and polish it up. Any suggestions?

I also liked what you said about starting sentences with "But" and "And". When I first started blogging I struggled with this as well. "But" as I read other bloggers content, I saw they were doing this so I figured it was okay to do in the blogosphere. Thanks so much for mentioning this!

Thanks for sharing your insights on this subject. You provided some great info and I truly appreciate it!


Written by copyjuice
4223 days ago

Thanks Ti!

As far as guest posting goes, go for it and fill it up with personality - that's my opinion.

I know what you mean about that feeling when you write a guest post. It's like there's someone looking over your shoulder, right? I try to remember I'm writing for the blog's audience, not the blogger.

Sometimes it helps to check out the tone of the blog you're writing for. But in general, the more personality you put into it, the more authentic it becomes.

I'd love it if more of the writers who pitched me articles had some personality in their work. The cheap and boring content is the stuff that is void of personality.

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