Email marketing is a great way to stay connected with customers and get more sales. Here are a ton of great ideas for what to send your subscribers.


Written by kingofcontent92
3876 days ago

Staying connected to subscribers is a nice way to earn their trust thus making you their brand logo for the future.

Written by EntrepreneurStories
3876 days ago

Good point. Trust is very important to building long-term relationships

Written by OpenSourceMedia
3876 days ago

This template could really help me so much.

I want to thank you to so so much for sharing this great information. Keep on posting.

Written by EntrepreneurStories
3876 days ago

No problem! Glad it was helpful

Written by Carol_Amato
3877 days ago

Awesome! I'm so happy that the foundation of my business model from the beginning has been to build a list of subscribers, folks to whom I provide value and help...who end up becoming my customers. It's a win/win!

Keep up the good work.

Written by EntrepreneurStories
3877 days ago

Thanks Carol, you are very smart to put value first and sales second!

Written by QueenMaa
3877 days ago

I'm still working on building an email list. I was just thinking about what would be some good ideas for a newsletter. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Written by EntrepreneurStories
3877 days ago

Glad you were able to find some good ideas. The key is to be consistent and always try to build the relationship with subscribers

Written by tiroberts
3877 days ago

Email marketing is an essential part of building the relationship with your customers. You should always aim to directly engage them and invoke interaction from them. Thanks for sharing this with our community.

Written by EntrepreneurStories
3877 days ago

Thanks Ti! I agree the most important thing is to establish a relationship with subscribers

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