8 Powerful Influencer Research Tools That Get Results

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From http://www.bloggingwizard.com 3650 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on August 8, 2014 12:02 pm
"There are people in your niche that have influence over your target audience.

You can leverage that influence to grow your own blog, increase your traffic and your authority.

But first you need to know who these influencers are.

You could hop from social network to social network, doing manual research.

Or you could take the easy option and use a tool that is designed to do influencer research and get the insights that you need to leverage the power of influence.

In this post I've put together 8 of the best, with a range of different features and a lot of them are affordable or can be used for free."


Written by lyceum
3636 days ago

Adam: Thanks for sharing your insights. Yes, I have seen that Twitter is starting to provide more stats nowadays.

Written by lyceum
3639 days ago

Adam: Thanks for mentioning SteadyDemand. I have to check it out. Have you found any internal Google tool for Google+? Shouldn't Google analytics work on Google+ too? Or, am I missing something here? ;)

Written by adamjayc
3637 days ago

It's a similar issue with most other social networks, they're built for users not marketers. Although Twitter is finally catching on with it's analytics functionality. Google Analytics does pull in G+ data but it doesn't do anything close to what other purpose built tools can do.

Written by lyceum
3640 days ago

So, the name of the tool is like "no idea to index"?! ;) LOL

It is good that tools are coming to Google+, because I haven't found any internal metrics tools at Google+.

Written by adamjayc
3640 days ago

I guess so. Has to be one of the best tools I've tried. There's another tool called SteadyDemand which looks good from the analytics stand point.

Written by lyceum
3640 days ago

Adam: Thanks for the clarification and explanation! I have to check out NOD3x. Strange name, huh?! ;)

Written by adamjayc
3640 days ago

Yep haha, it's pronounced like "nodex". So much data available there and it's mainly focused around Google+ which is awesome.

Written by lyceum
3640 days ago

Adam: Thanks for sharing these tools! I have heard about some of them, but not tested them. How would you compare these tools with say, Hootsuite, Klout and SumAll?

Written by adamjayc
3640 days ago

No worries, Martin.

They're in a different ball park really.

Hootsuite for managing social profiles, SumALL for analytics. Klout is best for finding content to share, I'm not 100% sold on their influence metric, although you can use it to find influencers.

These tools in my post are all about influencer identification, for most of them that's all they do and they do it well.

Well worth testing some of them out, especially NOD3x.

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