Bold Digital Marketing Predictions for 2013 (video)

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Marketing
From 4222 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on January 5, 2013 2:42 am
Will social media marketing experience a re-birth? Will Chrome finally become the top browser on the planet displacing arch rival Firefox? Will Foursquare be sold this year, transforming the world of location-based media? Will BlackBerry experience a renaissance becoming once and for all the unrivaled "professional smartphone?" Yes, yes, yes, and yes, according to Conrad Flynn head strategy honcho at Concur New Media. You'll also want to check out the rest of Flynn's bold predictions for the world of marketing and tech heading into 2013. Flynn even challenges readers to follow these predictions throughout the year and call him out if he's wrong. What do you think?


Written by conradfly
4222 days ago

Other exciting news... I think Apple is going to come out with a watch and Amazon is going to come out with a phone.

Written by HeatherStone
4222 days ago

Hi Conrad,

Bold predictions, to be sure! I'm wondering in particular about your Foursquare prognostication here. Do you have some scenarios regarding what each perspective Foursquare suitor would ultimately do with this property? I'm assuming Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, etc. would all have different uses for this location-based software tool. By the way, I was so glad to see this post shared via the BizSugar community!

Written by conradfly
4222 days ago

When it comes to foursquare their technology will almost certainly be used to deliver location-specific reviews, recommendations and "likes" from people the user actually knows.

If it's Facebook... these new features will become an extension of their mobile app (possibly even a replacement for "Places").

If it's Bing... it'll become an extension of Bing local.

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