Branding: An Important Marketing Tool!

Avatar Posted by ChelseaLeigh under Marketing
From 3687 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on June 25, 2014 10:36 am
I believe that without branding a business can not truly grow and expand. It is definitely an important marketing tool!


Written by ChelseaLeigh
3662 days ago

I definitely agree with that aspect, you have to have thought into what you are creating when it comes to your brand. Be smart but be creative....there is an equal balance to everything.

Written by tiroberts
3676 days ago

Fantastic article and I totally agree with your perspective on this topic. Branding is one of the most important things that can take your business to the next level and allow you to really stand out from the crowd. I'm curious, what would be your top two tips for someone who is extremely "green" to the branding concept?

Written by ChelseaLeigh
3676 days ago

Hi Tiroberts,

Thanks for your comments, greatly appreciated.

In regards to your questions I am just wondering about the specifics. When you say 'green' are you saying 'new' to the branding concept?

Written by ChelseaLeigh
3685 days ago

When it comes to branding I find that you won't know it is good or bad branding until you have feedback from the consumers. A business may think their branding is representing their company properly but then have a completely negative response from the consumers. There are definite smart steps, recommended tips and tricks to include in your branding methods. There is also definite don'ts as well. I think if you have a good knowledge of the right things to include then you will be heading in the right direction but it is always good to be creative and to not go the safe road.

Overall branding is a representation of the business, if the business is a terrible business the branding won't really help. Everything coincides, but I find that there is no wrong road when it comes to branding or even marketing. Usually if you try something new there is a risk. But greatness is achieved by those who take risks. Hopefully that gave you insight into my opinion of things. What would your opinion be regarding this question?

Written by lyceum
3685 days ago

Chelsea: Could list some more examples on good branding? Manish Khanna's article included several "epic fail" branding.

Written by HeatherStone
3685 days ago

Hi Chelsea,

I agree there's risk in any branding effort. Also, when it comes to good branding, as is the case with so much else in life, perhaps hindsight is 20/20. But I also think some marketers are under the mistaken impression that any clever idea can be slapped onto a business model and sold without fully thinking out the message being sent or how it may be received. In other words, there is a difference between a calculated risk and flying blind when it comes to marketing.

Written by HeatherStone
3685 days ago

Hi Chelsea,

To some degree, it seems like the best branding ought be a kind of natural expression of the company's core values, something that makes sense and feels natural and that tells the company's story. What's your take? What's the first sign a company may be going down the wrong road with branding?

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