Break the Rules and Vastly Improve Your Marketing Success

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5007 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on November 11, 2010 8:37 pm
You can follow what people say you should do. Or you can do what feels right for your business and relationships and open up opportunities.


Written by lyceum
5003 days ago

Susan, I am glad to see that you are working according to your own rules. If you want inspiration for your work, read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

Written by m4bmarketing
5000 days ago

Martin, I am sorry i missed your comment. I have heard you mention Ann Rand a number of times and one day I must read the book.

Written by sheena.willspheen
5006 days ago

Social Media can really help enhance Marketing strategies, thats one i could definitely agree about this post. I can say, based on experience.

Written by m4bmarketing
5006 days ago

Hi Sheena,

Good to see social media is working for you and I think it will continue to be an opportunity for small business.


Written by businessavante
5006 days ago

As Martin Lindeskog recently commented - we all have Free Will, let's exercise it! Good Going, Susan!


Written by lyceum
5003 days ago

Duncan: Thanks for note! :)

Written by m4bmarketing
5006 days ago

Hi Duncan,

Very good point made by Martin and something we should remember.


Written by JasonKienbaum
5006 days ago

Hi Susan,

I think you brought up a great point here that everyone must consider. There is so much advice and ideas out there on how things should be or how things bring success that you need to filter it. What works for one person doesn't necessary work for another. At times you need to create your own strategies for what will work or piece the information together that other suggest to get the results you want for your business.


Written by m4bmarketing
5006 days ago

Hi Jason,

There is an overload and I think it can be very confusing to those who are new to business and online.

Thanks for your comment.


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