Building trust through your logo

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Marketing
From 5992 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 2, 2008 8:25 am
One way to build trust is through something right under your nose, and I mean that literally—your corporate logo. Used on a Web site, a company's logo can increase (or decrease) conversion rates at first glance.

That last bit is more important than it might seem. We're talking about a high-stakes game that's over in an instant. For first-time visitors to a new Web site, the logo either communicates trust or the visitor leaves. (Don't just take my word on this; recent research from Google AdWords found that the decision of whether to stay or leave a site takes place in under eight seconds.)

Which means your logo had better say what it has to say quickly—and according to my research, the one thing it needs to say more than anything else is this: Credibility.


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