Clickbait and 8 more marketing buzzwords you hate

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Marketing
From 3021 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on April 21, 2016 6:46 am
“Grabbing the low-hanging fruit for your viral go-to-market strategy– such as getting an influencer to share your data-driven piece of snackable content– will help your growth hacking efforts aimed at disrupting the marketing industry, especially if you use a clickbait headline to drive traffic.”

Now, if you know anything about modern online marketing, you’ll know that a) the above sentence is completely untrue; and b) it’s littered with buzzwords.

We asked redditors, marketers, quora users, and marketing experts which buzzwords they’ve had just about enough of. Whether it’s the concept behind the word or the word itself, here are the 9 buzzwords we’d all like to see die in 2016, as chosen by you.


Written by GetApp
3019 days ago

That is not a bad idea! Do you have any marketing buzzwords you would add to the list?

Written by lyceum
3019 days ago

I will think about it and come back to you! ;)

Written by lyceum
3019 days ago

How about arranging a buzzword bingo? ;)

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