Creating a Shit Storm – The Next Marketing Wave?

Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 4841 days ago
Made Hot by: bigmoneyweb on April 26, 2011 6:31 pm
Creating a Shit Storm or Polarizing your audience, are we looking at the next wave in marketing strategy. Creating controversy for the sake of it.


Written by profit613
4840 days ago


I know of at least 3 people who have tried to leave comments on your blog. It doesn't work :(


Written by JackieP
4840 days ago seems that my settings were a little screwy, now fixed and comments are appearing...Thanks for the heads up :)

Written by ILForums
4841 days ago


I think you did an extremely nice job. I am very pleased that the video didn't end up going viral and very pleased as well that you tackled this subject. Your explanations are great. It's a shame that this type of editorial didn't come directly from the social media site that you allude to.

Written by JackieP
4840 days ago

I personally don't think this video would have ever gone viral...the intent behind it would have seen to that.

Thanks for contributing to the discussion, I think we can all learn some lessons from this debarcle.

Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4841 days ago

Nice Jackie!!!


Written by JackieP
4840 days ago

Thanks Ofira

Written by saraib820
4841 days ago

Thanks Jackie!

Much appreciated look into a sad affair!


Written by JackieP
4840 days ago

Thanks Rivkah

Written by yoni67
4841 days ago


Just cause I'm not participating doesn't mean I'm not reading.

Great post though that shit-storm was actually a Category-5 Shit-Storm HURRICANE!

I really appreciate your insight into the whole affair.

It seems that in-your-face controversy marketing is a big thing though whether or not it went too far here is still up for debate.

Duncan....Get some sleep bro!



Written by JackieP
4840 days ago stealth mode...luv it!

Just telling it like I see it.

Thanks for your comments


Written by businessavante
4841 days ago

Thanks for your thoughts, Jackie. As a moderator, I personally lost several hours of sleep several days in a row - for well over a week - due to the utter stupidity of the "author". For me (alone), the best thing is for it just to "go away" - so I can again sleep. The whole mess sickens me.


Written by JackieP
4841 days ago

I can imagine. I know the dust has settled a little on this one now, and I didn't want to re-open the wounds, am just finding this kind of tactic more prevalent around the traps.

I agree it was a total mess and whats worse, completely unnecessary

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