Dark Social: Hidden Conversations Marketers Can't See

Avatar Posted by KEXINO under Marketing
From https://kexino.com 396 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on June 28, 2023 2:39 pm
As digital marketing continues to evolve, understanding the power of “dark” social becomes crucial for marketers seeking to tap into the hidden currents of online conversations and drive meaningful engagement with their audiences.


Written by lyceum
393 days ago

Gee: Yeah, it got my attention! I was thinking about the "dark web"... ;)

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
394 days ago

Gee: I have learned a new word, dark social. I sounded a bit scary. I will share your post on my digital town halls and maybe on Mastodon.

All the Best,


Written by KEXINO
394 days ago

Hi Martin,

Yeah, it sounds a bit scary, doesn't it? Ha-ha.

Many thanks for your support!

~ Gee

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