Decision Fatigue: How To Make It Work For Your Marketing

Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Marketing
From 2817 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on November 10, 2016 10:42 am
Decision fatigue might be a hindrance to your leadership - but it can be a benefit to your marketing. Here are several decision fatigue theory concepts to consider with your marketing.


Written by lyceum
2815 days ago

David: Thanks for your feedback on this topic! Talk soon again!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
2815 days ago

David: How could prevent decision fatigue for a potential client? Do you have to give only a few options (mini, midi, maxi package), or could you also add a personalized option?

Written by davidlowbridge
2815 days ago

This is a really tough question. However, what I like to do is give potential client a maximum of three options. Though to be honest if you can give them two that is best. Using this tactic, I've had a much higher conversion rate.

This requires getting as much information from the prospect early on to define their problem and determine what the best solution for them is. Then add on one (or two) variation(s) but also recommend which offering is best for them.

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