There is a psychological affect when someone is told a story. They tune in closer and are ultimately more likely to make a purchase because of the emotional connection they feel on a subconcious level with your brand. Here's how to use storytelling in your marketing to help drive sales.


Written by tcamba
4323 days ago

I never thought that storytelling would possibly help in marketing.I'm an avid storyteller but I never integrated it into my marketing gigs.

Written by denisefay
4323 days ago

Hi Kimberly,

They say that story-telling is in Irish blood; that us Irish are known as natural story tellers.

Loved your article. I once wrote a piece for a launch of a childcare facility and wrote the history of the facility, starting with 'Once upon a time...' and it was loved by the audience.

I had forgotten about it until I read this article. Thanks for helping me remember it.

But I think you are spot on with your article.

Take care,


Written by HeatherStone
4325 days ago

Hi Kimberly,

The importance of storytelling in marketing is well known. As a matter of fact, it's known in other areas of business too. For example, today the most skilled analysts are those who can do more than simply compile data. They are those who can tell us a story about what that data means.

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