Have you ever write a blog post, leaving it lying on your post editor, don't know whether what to expect when you publish the post? Well, I do have those considerations sometimes. I have written a post, foolproof it, check everything and waiting to press the publish button. But these questions come to my mind before i press the publish button:

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Written by businessavante
4807 days ago

Hi Lye.

I agree:

I've found it to be a truism in most (if not all) arts - sometimes what we think is our best work isn't well-received, while what we think is average is lauded. I'm not a blogger, but it seems to be a consensus when the topic is addressed in blogs, too.


Written by lyekh
4807 days ago

Hi Duncan,

It's pretty ironic isn't it? Our visitors will always surprise us with their choices. That really says we need to understand our readers better. We just have to give our best as we simply can't please everyone.

Thanks for the comments.


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