How Do I Know When To Redesign My Website?

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4929 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on January 28, 2011 9:00 pm
If you are a business owner/manager/marketer and you are curious about whether you need to redesign your website, the REAL answer should be provided by feedback you receive from others. What does that mean? Here's a quick exercise...


Written by LWatrous
4927 days ago

As a web designer, I come across people who always want more than they are willing to pay for. Instead of taking my advice as an expert on usability and design, they want to cut those corners, and pay what they want to pay. I see so many websites online that make me want to cringe... the design is just as important as the information and overall purpose!

Written by nialldevitt
4929 days ago

I talked to some of the people behind http://www.socialmediaexaminer.../ and one of my big takeaways was how seriously important good design is. Unfortunately it's also one of the first places small business try to cut corners. "Can web visitors easily navigate to the most crucial information within 3 clicks?" That's such a great question, people fail to realise just how important the user experience is and why information needs to be presented in an easy to find and engaging way. As you point out, your website can be a hugely effective means of communicating with customers provided that you spend a little time and resource ensuring that it delivers for them. Thanks for sharing, Niall

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