How to Attract Readers and Search Engines to Your Blog

Avatar Posted by lyekh under Marketing
From 4603 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on December 20, 2011 7:34 pm
Trying to find the right formula to attract search engines and readers to your blog? There is no real big secret or mystery to the process. However, there are some points that are not necessarily obvious either. An absolutely integral part of building blog relevance and readership is consistency in approach. Stick with it and keep moving forward. It will pay off.


Written by nialldevitt
4601 days ago

I'd also include engaging with other bloggers and leaving comments elsewhere as a good way to drive traffic. Merry Xmas and thanks for being part of the BizSugar community - Niall

Written by lyekh
4601 days ago

That would be two good ways for long term traffic. Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays.

Written by BizRock
4602 days ago

Engaging in social networking is more then a good way to attract more readers at blog. That is best opportunity to make more people know about your blog and business.

Thank you for sharing!

Written by lyekh
4601 days ago

You are welcome. It's always important to build a community when we are working our way up online.

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