How To Convince A Marketing Skeptic

Avatar Posted by KEXINO under Marketing
From 823 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on April 27, 2022 1:31 pm
It's nigh-on impossible to spend any time in our industry without experiencing the marketing cynicism that exists among those who work outside of the marketing bubble.

Some of this distrust is warranted, due to so many people who call themselves 'marketers' having no clue about what the function actually is.

For the rest of us, what can we do to help fix the negative perceptions of our industry?


Written by lyceum
819 days ago

Gee: Great to hear! Have a nice weekend! :)

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
820 days ago

Gee: I am doing OK. How are things with you?

All the Best,


Written by KEXINO
819 days ago

Doing great, thanks Martin.



Written by lyceum
821 days ago

Gee: Thanks for sharing this piece. Food for thought! I am all for marketing, but... ;)

Best Premises,


Written by KEXINO
820 days ago

Thanks Martin. Hope you're well.

All the best.

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