How to Easily Build a Real Twitter Following

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3962 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on September 23, 2013 12:30 pm
This is not going to be a post about blasting your way to a huge number of followers with some dodgy software or anything similar.

This is about building a real and natural Twitter following of fans that want to hear what you have to say and follow your updates.


Written by AnshulHybridBoy
3959 days ago

great post. Thanks dude to share this article

Written by bigmoneyweb
3961 days ago

Using softwares to build twitter followers is never the best and, i will never use that approach for any reason. Doing it manually and naturally is always the best. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by tiroberts
3962 days ago

Great post, Adam. I'm glad you took a more natural , organic approach to growing your twitter following. That's something that I want to try to keep up. I'm not really into using software and such to grow my following. Now, when it comes to automation of my tweets, that's a different story. :) It's great for leveraging my time.

Written by adamjayc
3954 days ago

Thanks Ti!

Natural is the only way, it just takes a lot of time and when everything else takes a lot of time, it's easy to focus on something else.

Tweet scheduling is a must, not sure what I'd do without Buffer and tools like that!

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