How To Easily Find Keywords Google Thinks You Should Rank For

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3961 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on September 22, 2013 3:05 pm
In the following post you are going to get a crash course on how to easily find keywords that Google thinks you should rank for that don’t even appear on your site in most cases; all you need is the Google Keyword Planner. You’re also going to get a look at 5 extremely powerful keyword research tools that you can use as possible alternatives to the Google Keyword External Tool.


Written by nicregi
3954 days ago

Nice write! Shared and voted up. +1 Adam!

Written by adamjayc
3954 days ago

Most kind of you Reginald - thanks!

Written by bigmoneyweb
3961 days ago

An awesome tutorial indeed, keyword research is an important aspect of any internet business and, finding the best ways to discover them is what every blogger is looking for. Great tools as well. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by Inspiretothrive
3961 days ago

Great info, left a question on my comment on the post. Didn't know Yoast offered that too, great to know!

Written by adamjayc
3961 days ago

Thanks for checking this out, Lisa.

The on page optimisation that Yoast's plugin offers isn't at the same level that SEO Pressor is but it's not bad for free and the other functions rock!

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