How To Fill Your Restaurant

Avatar Posted by sherisaid under Marketing
From 3896 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on November 26, 2013 6:49 pm
Practical tips for restaurant owners to build business through local outreach, social media, and staying on top of trends.


Written by AngelBiz
3895 days ago

Sherry - These are nice tips. I would still say that it's the fundamentals in terms of food and customer service that counts more than anything. If you do these things right word will get out and you will start seeing more customers. Of course, the tips you mentioned here help, but use them as complement to great food and customer service, not in lieu of.

Written by sherisaid
3895 days ago

It's all about the food! But some decent restaurants fail for other reasons - location, appearance, lack of advertising budget - this is for the ones that already have great food and good customer service...and are still struggling :)

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