How to Guest Blog in Light of Google's Restrictions

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From 3748 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on April 23, 2014 8:14 am
At the beginning of 2014, Google's Matt Cutts made headlines by stating that guest blogging was dead. This caused a lAt the beginning of 2014, Google’s Matt Cutts made headlines by stating that guest blogging was dead. This caused a lot of stir in the online community. People naturally got defensive and protested this as unfair. After all, hasn’t almost everyone used guest blogging to help with SEO at some point or another?ot of stir in the online community.


Written by amabaie
3748 days ago

Just for the record, Google has not made an "restrictions". You are still free to do whatever you wish to do on your own blog. I reject most offers to guest post; I decide what is spammy.

Written by Inspiretothrive
3748 days ago

Hi Alicia, it sure is hard to understand exactly what makes a guest post spammy if on your site or if you guest blog for someone else. I've learned via a penalty to make the links all nofollow. Better safe than sorry and Matt Cutts says nofollow links cannot hurt your site.

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