How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Marketing
From 5193 days ago
Made Hot by: Portfolio33 on May 10, 2010 2:55 am
What can you learn from successful brands like Cracker Barrel about keeping customers coming back and always engaged with your product or service? As it turns out, some fairly simple steps keep customers engaged and not only coming back for more but staying longer once they do find you and visit. If loyal customers should be the goal of every small business than reading this post is key to finding success.


Written by m4bmarketing
5191 days ago

Thanks for sharing this article Shawn. It reminds me that sometimes the answers lies in stepping back a second and thinking of opportunities instead of focusing on customers' problem to find a solution.


Written by lyceum
5192 days ago

Do you think that geo location programs like Gowalla and Foursquare will empower the local businesses and give them an edge in the future?

Written by ILForums
5192 days ago

Shawn thanx for this outstanding article. You are soright that retaining customers is the most important marketing aspect. Once they are through your doors give them good reason to come back!

Written by ShawnHessinger
5193 days ago

Thanks, Yonatan. I must confess that Cracker Barrel and audio books are not too things that spring to mind when I think innovation. But in this case I have to say there are some serious lessons to learn about customer retention we all could learn from.

Written by yoni67
5193 days ago

Shawn, Great posts today. This one totally rocks! I never even contemplated ideas such as these to bring customers back. The ideas such as the e-books and the personalized frequent buyer boxes are indeed unique, "out of the box" (my most hated expression) and wonderful. This was really a fascinating post! Thanks!


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