How to Make Blogs from Boring Niches Interesting

Avatar Posted by bbrian017 under Marketing
From 2314 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on March 29, 2018 9:27 am
Boring niches are a big pain-in-the-neck for writers. Not only are they tiring to write about, but they also lead to lower traffic. Imagine writing a blog about metal work and flooring. Sure, there are things to write about, but it would mostly be technical stuff.


Written by lyceum
2310 days ago

Do that! ;)

Written by toni.erika1234
2311 days ago

You are right. Niche is always boring. Same strategy for each niche.

Many new things I learned from your article.

Written by bbrian017
2311 days ago

Glad you enjoyed it my friend!

Written by lyceum
2311 days ago

Fiskars is a great example on how to personalize the relationship between the visitors to their site and the company.

Written by bbrian017
2311 days ago

I'll have to go check that out :)

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