How To Make Your Page Titles SEO-Friendly

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 912 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on February 3, 2022 1:55 pm
Page titles are a critical element of on-page SEO. Want to learn how to make page titles SEO-friendly? Click here and follow these simple steps...


Written by lyceum
902 days ago

Adam: Thanks for the information!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
903 days ago

Adam: Thanks for your response and input! I have told my webmaker about your comment and sent him a link to BizSugar.

Btw: Have you written post about Quora and WordPress Gutenberg?

All the Best,


Written by adamjayc
903 days ago

Sure thing, no problem!

I've mentioned Quora briefly in some articles on Blogging Wizard and my personal blog.

And we do have a few articles on Blogging Wizard about Gutenberg. If you go to our WordPress category, you should be able to find a few articles there.

- Adam

Written by lyceum
904 days ago

Adam: I sent the link to your post to my webmaker. He thanked me and replied with a link to Search Engine Journal: Google Changes More Than 61 Percent Of Title Tags.

All the Best,


Written by adamjayc
904 days ago

Indeed. Google re-writes a lot of titles. I can't see it being as high as SEJ suggest though but that may have something to do with the SERPs I check being more competitive.

I haven't seen much evidence of my own page titles being rewritten by Google.

Based on personal experience, page titles are the most important element on a page. Regardless of any rewrites that Google may be doing. And in most cases, the effectiveness of a title would likely be a factor in whether Google chooses to rewrite it. I suspect they only rewrite titles that don't adequately describe the content within the page.

For example: I've had many experiences where a slight title change has given +/- 400%~ traffic.

In one instance, I had an issue with All In One SEO Pack plugin. I updated to a new version that caused some issues and changed/removed SEO titles for a lot of my articles. Over night, I lost around 1,500-2,000 visitors.

When I finished re-writing all of the titles to what they should have been, traffic returned to normal levels.

More often than not, as few as two words could be the difference between 5-10 visitors/day and 100+ visitors/day to a single article.

Written by GrowMap
911 days ago

Excellent advice as always! Thanks, Ann.

Written by annsmarty
911 days ago

Thanks for publishing!

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