How To Sell Band Merch: Step-By-Step Beginner’s Guide

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 121 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on April 5, 2024 8:53 am
While this article is directed at bands/musicians, the steps within can be followed for any brand that wants to start selling merchandise online. No buying stock or messing with logistics. Give it a go.


Written by lyceum
111 days ago

Thanks Adam!

Written by lyceum
111 days ago

Adam: Thanks for your response and the information. Have a nice weekend!

All the Best,


Written by adamjayc
111 days ago

Sure thing. You too!

Written by lyceum
112 days ago

Do you have a favorite source for band merch? Do you list Bandcamp in the post? ;)

Written by adamjayc
112 days ago

Depends on whether I'd be buying or selling. If buying, I'd always try and go direct.

Matt didn't cover Bandcamp in the post. For the sake of simplicity, we covered print-on-demand solutions only for a very "hands off" approach to selling merch.

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