How to Take the Chill Out of Cold Calling

Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Marketing
From 3155 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on February 10, 2016 11:22 pm
While some people will tell you that it takes a certain kind of person to do cold calling day in and day out, sales expert and Grant Cardone's second-in-command, Jarrod Glandt tells us its all about planning, practice and persistence


Written by lyceum
3150 days ago

Ivan: Yes, I say the same. For example, recently a rep. from business newspaper daily called me and wondered about my subscription in the past. I gave my feedback and told her why I haven't continued the subscription. She will send me a new offer and call me again... ;)

Written by lyceum
3152 days ago

Ivan: Thanks for your comment! :) Do you get call all the time? ;)

Written by ivanpw
3150 days ago


Quite often! Most are annoying, but a few is actually helpful :)

Written by lyceum
3152 days ago

Ivan: Personally, I am not in favor of cold calling. I am for referral marketing instead. But with that said, you could call / contact potential clients and customers in a creative way and following a tested system at the same time! ;)

Written by ivanpw
3152 days ago


Me too :) But it still working well to many (especially in my home country!).

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