Should you use Twitter as part of your Marketing Plan? If you’re looking to increase sales, generate leads, or connect with prospects, it seems a no-brainer, right?


Written by nh2000
4883 days ago

that's a amazing writing and quite a helpful business plan. thanks.

Written by careerscoach
4907 days ago

What a super and comprehensive post. Consider it bookmarked:)

Written by EncouragingExcellence
4907 days ago

Brillant Ivan, really comprehensive. Another must read social media post from Bloggertone, we're really getting spoiled. :-)

Written by ivanwalsh
4907 days ago

Thanks, we do our best :)

More in the pipeline for BT next week too!

Written by nialldevitt
4907 days ago

Great post Ivan, one of the most comprehensive I've read on Twitter and a must read for any one that wants to use Twitter as a serious business tool. In the last 12 months I've noticed that the increase in users and information on Twitter means that it has become much more difficult to attract traffic, I will be certainly taking your advice on board.Thanks for sharing, Niall

Written by ivanwalsh
4907 days ago

Thanks Niall,

I didn’t have much luck with twitter until I began to develop a plan – not in the formal sense as shown above – but thinking more strategically and also looking at how others do it.

For example, Scoble made some points about how Brogan was doing it wrong (I know!) but then explained how he used Twitter. When I read how he’s using it, the penny dropped and I began to rethink my approach. Live and learn!

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