I Really Do Not Want You as a Customer

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5212 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on April 26, 2010 4:32 am
A lot is written about building customer profiles of those who you want as customers. This of course is an essential part of small business marketing. But what about the other side – those customers that you do not want as customers. Two blog posts recently have been written about this dilemma and give great insights into this problem as they shared their experiences.


Written by newbizblogger
4760 days ago

I love that article Susan! We often focus our attention on what we want as our ideal clients/customers which is great and VERY necessary, but don't often focus on who we don't want to work with.

Written by yoni67
5149 days ago

Susan Oakes: Congrats on Vote #52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by yoni67
5155 days ago

Susan O. Happy 50th (and 51st) Vote! This is no longer a story, it's a legend!

Written by m4bmarketing
5155 days ago


Thank you so much for your support. I had no idea and appreciate all those who took the time to vote.

I have a feeling you will be racing past the 50 votes for all your articles very soon.


Written by yoni67
5160 days ago

OMG! BizSugar's SUSAN OAKES reaches Historic 50th Vote!!! OMG!

Written by yoni67
5160 days ago

Anyone care to read, vote and give the HISTORIC 50th Vote?!?

Written by yoni67
5205 days ago

Susan, CONGRATULATIONS as your article hits 40 Votes Today!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by ajayjoya
5206 days ago

we should clearly try to find out the answer of qus. whom we don't want as customer... that will help to move the business in right direction.


Written by lyceum
5211 days ago

Yoni & Susan:

I recommend you to read Ayn Rand's novel, The Fountainhead. Here is a quote by the main character, Howard Roark:

"I don't build in order to have clients. I have clients in order to build!"


It was made a movie on the book in 1949.

Written by m4bmarketing
5211 days ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks for that and will check it out.


Written by yoni67
5211 days ago

Two thumbs-up Susan on another great piece!

Written by m4bmarketing
5211 days ago

Thanks Yoni and big thanks to you and Paul for giving me the idea for the post.

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