Is Inbound Marketing a Waste Of Time and Money?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Marketing
From 2972 days ago
Made Hot by: Bubaaa54 on June 7, 2016 7:49 pm
Need to figure out whether inbound marketing fits in your marketing mix? Here’s some inbound marketing advice for small businesses.
Inbound marketing is a term coined and evangelized by the founders of HubSpot (a company that develops and markets inbound marketing software) that refers to strategic use of content in lead generation and sales.
The concept is simple — businesses should use blogs, video, podcasts, guides, ebooks and other types of content to attract new customers. Proponents of inbound marketing claim that this is an easier, cheaper, and more effective way of getting business.


Written by tiroberts
2969 days ago

I think it depends on the biz and the priority for engaging clients.

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