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As a huge fan of South Park (I virtually see all mutual fans nodding); I'm always amazed at how on-trend they are with their episodes. A recent(ish) favourite is the one about how powerful your Facebook profile is...

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Written by nialldevitt
4989 days ago

Hi Christina, great post! I have a lot of online connections, between BT, LI groups, FB groups etc etc, It's probably over 20K, but It's in what you do with these connections, rather than how many you have that ultimately decides your "power". With that in mind, I'm going to give people a 2nd task (hope you, and they don't mind?). Every day, pick one or two of these online connections, and start to build an old fashioned relationship. Skype, Talk to them on the phone, meet for a coffee, hook up at a networking event etc and watch what happens, it’s amazing!

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