Longer Blog Posts Doesn't Necessarily Mean Better

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From http://www.blogherald.com 3823 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on February 8, 2014 2:00 am
When it comes to blogging, it seems everyone has a “guaranteed” way to generate more traffic to your site. Some search engine optimization experts will tell you the short and sweet detail oriented posts work best. Others believe than posts with more than 2,000 words attract more readers. In reality, both of these methods are correct – depending on your topic and writing abilities.


Written by Inspiretothrive
3821 days ago

Noemi, I agree too! Why drag a post out and chance readers going away from boredom or not coming back another time? I think it's best to respecto our readers time too!

Written by bigmoneyweb
3823 days ago

I agree with you man, if you cam pass your message in a short and concise manner then, there will be no need to make your post longer. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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