As a reaction to the bland and insipid state of the majority of marketing today, many marketers advocate for a braver stance.

But instead of being brave, marketers should focus on being more effective.


Written by KEXINO
1143 days ago

Hi Martin, hope you're well.

I think there's a misunderstanding. Describing the way a company stands out with their marketing is by 'being brave' implies that there's another solution that doesn't require bravery. There is not.

Also, that it implies there's a risk with 'brave marketing'. I maintain that the risk lies in 'playing it safe'. Saying and doing what the competition does fails to get you noticed. The only option is to stand out.

All effective marketing is about getting noticed, getting remembered, and standing out from others. The only way to do that is be saying and doing what the other guys are too afraid to do. But that's not 'being brave' - that's just being effective!

I don't think there's such a thing as being 'a little brave', Just like there's no such thing as being 'a little pregnant' :))))))


~ Gee

Written by lyceum
1143 days ago

Gee: I was pulling your leg a bit, by adding the word, "little." ;) The definitively have to talk about this topic in the future. I also want to effective, by standing out, doing my own thing.

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
1143 days ago

Gee: Isn't the case that you should start a little brave too, according to Amber Mac's great book, PowerFriending. She talks about the ABC-rule, and B standing for being brave.

I would like talk with you about efficient, effective, and economical marketing in the near future! ;)

All the Best,


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