National Day Calendar for Business 2023

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Marketing
From 548 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on January 26, 2023 12:06 am
Your hobby store might want to celebrate National Hobby Month, or your pizzeria might want to offer special deals during National Pizza Week. How are you supposed to keep track of the really important dates for your small business? Enter the National Day Calendar for Business 2023. That way your bar will know the date of National Bloody Mary Day -- and you can give your employees a heads up before National Clean Off your Desk Day. Hey, win-win!


Written by amabaie
546 days ago

A calendar like this is invaluable for coming up with great social media posts. May The Fourth is great for anybody who deals with drones, stars or sci fi geeks.

Written by lyceum
546 days ago

May the 4th be with you! ;) We have to come up with a special day for my birthday on May 25! :)

Btw: Have you ideas on themes for the month, seasons for your blogging?

I have my three words for the year, guiding me. Coin(age), Trade, Victory.

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
548 days ago

Shawn: As a tea enthusiast I am glad to hear that January is National Hot Tea Month! And soon it is Meat Week! I will eat some beef jerky then.

All the Best,


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