Personal Branding - 7 Mistakes That Hurt

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Marketing
From 4258 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on December 1, 2012 2:36 am
Personal Branding is a HOT subject right now. We often have problems distinguishing between personal branding and company branding. This posts discusses how to avoid the top personal branding mistakes.


Written by lyceum
4254 days ago

Elaine: As a "trader in matter and spirit" I am all for fair play! :) Thanks for your input! I want to talk with you more in the near future...

Written by lyceum
4254 days ago

Elaine: Thanks for your response! :) What are your answers?

Written by elainerogers
4254 days ago

Martin, Fair play for calling me up on this one:

Who am I as an individual?

A learner, a facilitator, a catalyst, a connector

What am I standing for?

Progress, learning, education and no-nonsense!

Written by lyceum
4256 days ago

The first question you have to ask yourself: Who are you as an individual? What are you standing for (values)?

Written by elainerogers
4254 days ago

2 very appropriate questions, thank you Martin

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