Print Marketing Versus Email Marketing

Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Marketing
From 2965 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on June 15, 2016 11:59 am
There are benefits to both, but which will give you the best results? Email marketing and print marketing go head to head in this quick article.


Written by lyceum
2958 days ago

David: Yes, I will. Thanks again.

Written by tiroberts
2960 days ago

thanks for sharing your insights on this topic.

Written by davidlowbridge
2958 days ago

You're welcome. Happy to help.

Written by lyceum
2961 days ago

David: I have thought about the second example, but not the first one. Thanks for sharing Your expertise on this topic.

Written by davidlowbridge
2958 days ago

You're welcome. Hopefully you can use it to help you promote your business.

Written by lyceum
2962 days ago

David: Thanks for your input. Do you have examples on how this integration have worked cost effective?

Written by davidlowbridge
2961 days ago

There are two ways that it can possibly work. Firstly, email is sent first and when some reads and clicks through, your automatically send them a letter or leaflet explaining more.

The second is to have a QR code or shortened code that the receiver can use to go from the leaflet to an email signup page.

But research has shown that the latter can be rather expensive. So it depends on your profit margins and the lifetime value of your customers to which you should implement.

Written by lyceum
2963 days ago

David: How about a mix of both print and email marketing?

Written by davidlowbridge
2962 days ago

That is possible, and at times the best option. But it is about having the product and consumer mix to make that work. You should also ensure that you have pure integration to make both channels cost effective.

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