Should you replace email with social networking? Do you use social networking sites to communicate directly with your clients, peers or suppliers? In this post, we look at the pros and cons of utilising social networking over traditional email.


Written by lyceum
4118 days ago

I think that email is an important part of your social networking activities. Have you thought about that all your notifications from different social networking channels are going to your email inbox?

Written by elainerogers
4118 days ago

Hi Martin,

I smiled when I read your comments - absolutely, everything stems from email really, and we will need to replace that before we can leave it completely.

Meanwhile, I have turned off most notifications from SN channels, as the noise can be deafening. I visit the SN sites directly, and deal with notifications then.

But you highlight a valid point - SN AND email can be very demanding and controlling. It is important to not allow this, so we can improve our productivity and maintain sanity :)

Written by Webdev1
4121 days ago

I'm stuck between both worlds. The good thing about social media is that you get to connect with a whole lot of people especially your customers easier and way faster than email.

Written by elainerogers
4120 days ago

I think we will all be in limbo land for a while, until business becomes much more social, and less formal. Great point about connecting with customers, I feel we should connect with them, using their preferred method of contact. Great comments, thanks!!

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