I love great business models. Here’s a simple one, yet technically so right on many different levels.

It’s Nespresso, maker of coffee machines. My mum in UK has one and I fell in love with the taste of the coffee and the simplicity of the making of said coffee every morning when staying with my mum for a month recently. Believe me, the cafe culture we enjoy in good ol’ Wellington NZ has not yet reached Milton Keynes. The coffee in all cafes is …. blah! As I said to mother one morning after my run, “the best coffee on this trip so far is found every morning in your kitchen”. God bless the Nespresso machine.

So I decided to buy one upon my return to NZ and found myself searching on the internet. This is when I realised I love this business. Here’s why:

1. Great product – the machine range are simple, look great and...


Written by lyceum
4217 days ago

As a former barista in training at my own business café, I can ensure you that it is an art to make a good cup of espresso. Nespresso has learned from the competition and the developed coffee culture.

Personally, as a tea enthusiast, I want to create a sassy business model for tea drinkers. You will not be locked in as with the capsules, but you will feel the bond due to the personalization of your drinking ritual.

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