This whole social media thing for small business can be confusing, I know, I speak to groups of small business owner routinely and hear things like — “I'm overwhelmed, I'm tired of the hype, what do I do first, how do I find the time.”

If you've ever found yourself saying something along those lines, I would like to let you know that I've taken the practical strategies and tactics I use and teach to help people create a social media system and turned them into a five session course I call — Social Media Pro.

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Written by lyceum
5379 days ago


I am interested in becoming a beta tester. I have read and reviewed your Duct Tape Marketing book, so I know that it will be valuable to participate in this course.

I think that the single most important thing I would get from this course is to get a good overview of the social media landscape. I want to be able to present it to other small business owners who are feeling frustrated about the social media hype, but at the same time are interested in embracing a new media & marketing strategy.

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