Staying visible with the 3 Ms

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From 4126 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on April 14, 2013 5:35 am
Whether your business is just starting or it has been around for 100 years, the need to remain visible is constant.

You need to give today’s consumer a reason to stop at your business. Some have forgotten you exist, others get busy and still others may not realize what changes you may have made, such as introducing a new line of products or offering new services.


Written by crom84
4097 days ago

It isn't easy when going up against huge brands!

Written by AngelBiz
4121 days ago

These are excellent ideas. Without having the visibility the business cannot succeed . I would also add that word-of-mouth is equally, if not more, important for small business to get visibility. Nothing beats having your customers rave about you to their friends and family when it comes to visibility. That is why all visibility ideas start with having a great product and help customers spread word about it through word-of-mouth. We can all learn from Apple on how to do this.

Written by tcamba
4121 days ago

Oh, hi there Harry. Thanks for the comment. My father has been talking about Apple lately( some history of it ).

I don't really know exactly about it. Cool! So..they were talked about by customers much about how great their products are?

If so, I can't disagree on that. I don't have an apple product but my friends do have. They're saying that it's really a tough device. One time, she threw it hard in the wall and all she got was a slightly cracked back cover.

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