Find out why there are revolutionary changes coming in the way we do business and how your customers will play the most important role.

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Written by HeatherStone
4259 days ago


Looking at customers as your partners in business gives you a whole new way to look at your market, and, I'd argue, creates more opportunities than problems. Your community can save you time and guess work by letting you know how to serve them better. And when you get it right, they can make you famous by telling the world.

Written by copyjuice
4259 days ago

Heather - I'm glad you agree. And I think what you explained is just the beginning of a wave of change that will put more influence in the hands of consumers. But I don't think it's something to fear. When businesses serve people better - they become better businesses.

Written by tiroberts
4260 days ago

Great post, Kasey. Your customers are definitely your best form of advertising. If you provide an impeccable service or product, they'll naturally refer people to you and help you grow your business significantly. I appreciate you sharing your insights with us on BizSugar. :)


Written by copyjuice
4259 days ago

Thanks Ti,

Customer word-of-mouth is one thing, I think we're moving toward more and more involvement and interaction between consumers and brands.

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