Are you kidding me Lye? People are looking for various ways to increase blog traffic and yet you want less traffic for your blog. I am not kidding my friend, i love to see a huge numbers of visitors in my blog but what i want is targeted traffic. People who like to learn about blogging related tips and not people who visited Findmyblogway spamming the blog and look for links.

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Written by lyekh
4748 days ago

Hi Duncan,

I would say non-targeted traffic is simply useless and not worth going for. What we want is highly targeted and engaging traffic.

Thanks for the comments.


Written by yoni67
4747 days ago

Lye and Duncan,

I look at it as an analogy with police and bad guys in shootouts:

Most bad guys with assault rifles or automatics, tend to fire on full auto or semi-automatic. They shoot wildly and rarely hit anything. Only very rarely do police officers die on shootouts...thank God.

Police are trained for one pull of the trigger and one shot only. If they miss, they pull again. No barrel flailing around wildly from recoil of firing on's very targeted, controlled and usually they get their man.

Targeted, whether in law enforcement or marketing seems like the way to go.

Written by businessavante
4750 days ago

Well said, Lye, and the opposite of most such articles that are so hungry for attention they'll accept anything as long as the numbers seem to grow - seem to because, as you said, they're not targeted.


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