Content marketing has already proved that it can be a powerful way of building your brand visibility and generating leads but a lot of marketers continue to talk about creating great content like it’s the only thing that you need to do when there is so much more to it than that.

The truth is that clicking publish is not enough and it never was.


Written by HeatherStone
4031 days ago

Hi Adam,

Loved this advice, especially, I must confess, the advice on using BizSugar to share content. Hope many people will read this including members of the BizSugar community to learn a bit about how to promote their content more effectively. Thanks for sharing!

Written by adamjayc
4030 days ago

Hi Heather,

Thanks so much for checking out the post.

BizSugar has done so much for the blogging and business community - I'm hoping that more people will see just how much of an impact BizSugar can have and join the community too.

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