Why Guest Blogging Will Never Die

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From http://bloggingwizard.com 3943 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on October 11, 2013 6:26 am
Wondering about the future of Guest Blogging? What will Google do? What should you do? Find out here.


Written by tiroberts
3934 days ago

Excellent article. Guest blogging will indeed never die. It's one of the only traffic strategies that has stood the test of time. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Written by yourblogcoach
3942 days ago

This is a wonderful and informative article, do you know i actually thought about this particular post title few days ago. Now seeing someone that wrote about it with great in-depth knowledge then i'm very happy.

Written by kingofcontent92
3942 days ago

Guest blogging has been always there for those who wants to be anonymous but want to be famous. Such bloggers are those who are not sure of themselves and what they are gonna do. I say, let them be. Its a good thing that blogging will never cease to exist.

Written by HeatherStone
3942 days ago

Adam and Joe,

I don't entirely disagree. My question is really two fold. And Adam, it would be great if we could start a conversation on this topic in the BizSugar community too.

1. What do you do about plagiarism and duplicate content? Say what you will. This is an ongoing problem and can really devalue your blog (and not just from an SEO standpoint!)

2. What do you do to stop guest bloggers from using your site to SEO their own clients? This is a more subtle issue, but, of course, can also devalue your site. There's nothing wrong with outgoing links to add value to a post or a back link to the contributor who was good enough to share content with your readers. But allowing a guest blogger to SEO a list of clients with an article that spins content or creates essentially poor content just to see how many client websites they can link to using your blog will not do much for your credibility or probably for how search engines see your site.


Written by agriyanews
3942 days ago

Guest Blogging always on the high track. But while choosing the blog, you have to consider the high PR and quality of the site as well as inner links. This will great boost up for your site. Thanks for sharing :)

Written by bigmoneyweb
3942 days ago

Guest blogging is really a very good way of getting traffic and exposure to any blog and, i also believe that it will never die. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by BizRock
3943 days ago

Very interesting and helpful article about why guest blogging will never die! You made good quality points there, thanks.

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